Walmart Gifts Activity Books to Bay Aging’s Older Adults

Three people holding puzzle books

Chuck Beadle, Director of Asset Protection for Walmart, donated boxes of word puzzles, sudoku, word finds, and coloring books to Bay Aging’s Caregiving Support programs, including the programs focusing on Alzheimer’s and dementia. They will be distributed among our Active Lifestyle Centers, Adult Day Care, Memory Café, and Support groups. Chuck Beadle personally delivered Walmart’s donations to Bay Aging and shared his own personal experience with the disease and that his aunt loved those books during her journey with dementia. “It touches a lot of people,” stated Laura Matthews, Manager of Mathews Active Lifestyle Center (ALC). “It fills a certain need in the community. Most folks with dementia aren’t able to go to stores on their own, and this served as a wonderful gift to them to make their holiday brighter.”


Left to right: Assistant Director, Multifamily Housing Management, Hunter LeClair; Housing Choice Voucher Program Manager, Megan Akers; Senior VP, Housing, Josh Gemerek; Bay Aging President and CEO, Kathy Vesley; and [...]